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June 20, 2014 OHA Director's messages on the web
To: All OHA employees
From: Suzanne Hoffman, Interim Director

Moving toward better health and better care for PEBB members

"Good ideas are common – what’s uncommon are people who will work hard enough to bring them about."
~Ashleigh Brilliant

This week the Public Employees’ Benefit Board (PEBB) announced contracts with eight health plans for state workers that provide improved quality without increased costs. This is an important milestone not only for those of us covered by PEBB but also for health system transformation.

Like other large health care purchasers, the state has seen climbing costs for health care coverage. PEBB costs nearly doubled over the past 12 years. Last year, the Governor challenged PEBB and the health care system to create high-quality, financially sustainable health plans for 130,000 PEBB members and their families that emphasize coordinated care.

That’s what PEBB delivered. Each of the eight plans has elements of the coordinated care model to ensure high quality care at a price we can all afford. More than 95 percent of members will have a choice of two or more plans in their local area. You can find more information about the new plans for 2015 on the PEBB website.

We are pleased that the available plans will move Oregon toward a more coordinated and sustainable health system with increased accountability, as well as the potential to improve the health of PEBB members and their families.

Thanks to our staff at PEBB who worked to ensure we have a selection of high quality, affordable health plans to choose from. And thanks to each of you who has helped shape and implement the coordinated care model to bring better health, better care and lower costs. Together, we're transforming our health care system to produce better health that we can afford.

Suzanne Hoffman signature
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