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May 17, 2013 OHA Director's messages on the web
To: All OHA employees
From: Bruce Goldberg, M.D., Director

Where we are. Where we need to go

"Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there." ~Bo Jackson

Oregon's health system transformation is built on some key foundations that include:

  • Set clearly understood joint goals for health improvement so that each local community can work together to meet those goals.
  • Increase the transparency and accountability of the health care system.
  • Change the payment model to give incentives for better health.

This week we released a report that helps cement that foundation.

The first Health System Transformation Quarterly Report provides information on key health and financial metrics for the Oregon Health Plan. The metrics will be used to help drive improvement and innovation under the state's health system transformation plan.

For people on the Oregon Health Plan, we now know how often they use the emergency room for care that could be done better and more affordably elsewhere. We know how often people receive follow-up care after treatment for being hospitalized for mental illness. We know how often women are receiving pre-natal care or how often children under age 3 receive developmental screenings. We know what percent of our clients are in patient-centered primary care homes.

On all of these measures and more, we know where we are and where we need to go.

The report also begins to break out the health metrics locally by showing the starting point for each coordinated care organization. The data is taken from 2011 – before the first CCO started – and is compared to benchmarks for each metric.

Our health system transformation plan calls for closing the gap between all baselines and benchmarks within 10 years. As CCOs make progress in improving those gaps, they will receive incentive payments.

Our progress toward the goals will be updated quarterly and over time as goals are reached, we will set new ones. I encourage everyone to spend some time with the report here. And I want to thank the Metrics and Scoring Committee members who worked so hard to establish these health metrics and our staff that pulled the information together. We have the foundation. Now we can really build on it.

OHA on the web